A delight for the senses! Eucalyptus will suit anyone looking for an evergreen shrub or tree for the garden. HD Plants grows the ‘Silver Dollar’ variety, a Eucalyptus variety which is known for its silver-green leaves.



Eucalyptus, native to Australia, is a beautiful and versatile garden plant that is ever more popular because if its unique properties. Known for its aromatic leaves and straight trunk, this evergreen tree is loved for its fast growth and graceful appearance. The plant is also known for its essential oil, often used for medicinal purposes and in aromatherapy. Eucalyptus also attracts various birds and insects, making it a valuable addition to biodiverse gardens. With its elegant leaves and soothing scent, Eucalyptus brings a touch of exotic beauty to any garden.

Eucalyptus Silver Dollar ‘Rack’

12/17 cm
40/60 cm
wk 1-24 & 35-52



Eucalyptus thrives best in a sunny spot, but can also grow well in partial shade. The plant does not lose much moisture through the leaves, so it requires little water. It is important to ensure well-drained soil so that both air and water can circulate easily, but be careful that the soil does not get too wet. Eucalyptus plants are particularly sensitive to too much moisture on the roots, so make sure the plant can’t suffer ‘wet feet’.

  • Suitable for outdoor use
  • Prefers a sunny spot
  • Eucalyptus does not need much water
  • Feed regularly in spring and summer (once every 2 weeks)
  • Between -3 and 30o Celsius